“I’m still here!  Where is everyone else?”

I was recently sorting through piles of old correspondence, newsletters, donor letters, prayer letters, etc. and those things brought back lots of past CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) and OWI (One Way International) memories.  The original letter I sent out announcing my becoming the interim director for CEF had a phrase in it which said, “I’m still here!”  Director Rich Flora had left.  Director Jack Green had left.  Director Lanny Schooley had left CEF.  But I was still there.  That was my beginning into full time ministry with CEF 33 years ago.  Through the years, so many have come and gone.  I often wonder, where did they all go and how are they all doing?  Many I still pray for.  God has blessed me with many wonderful acquaintances through the years. 

Occasionally, past Good News Clubbers and Kids Clubbers look me up and communicate.  I hear about where they are, about their families, and how their relationship is with the Lord.  That warms my heart!
Once-in-a-while, past summer missionaries or volunteers show up on Facebook or write a note and I get a look into their lives!  Some have lost their parents too soon.  Some have been through sad divorces or are struggling with severe health issues.  Others are living their lives strong for God, in healthy relationships, and loving life.

There are ministry partners who I’ve continued to hear from for 33 years as prayer partners and faithful supporters.  What encouragement these people are in my life!  Some have also gone to be with the Lord.
In a life culture where so much is “come and go” today, it’s a real testimony to those who stay the course, continue to pray for, and support someone or something for years upon end.  I’m always sad when I lose touch with students and partners in ministry whether volunteers or prayer and financial supporters.  Oftentimes we just lose track of folks with no goodbye.  When they just “stop” being a part of things, I wonder if it was something I did and do some real soul-searching.  God uses each one He brings across our paths to mold and shape our lives.  I am grateful for those I’ve known and worked with for a short time and those I have known and been blessed by for decades.  They have all shaped me into the person I am today. 

As I organized things of the past and enjoyed memories He allowed me to think on, I also cherished the present and was grateful for those making my life so full in the “here and now.”  I invite you to take some time this month to remember God’s past encouragements, lessons, and memories, and then cherish the gifts of people in your life “here and now.” 

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