We are studying the Old Testament in our Bible Club at Colonial Hills this year. Coming back from Christmas break our lesson was on Moses and the 10 plagues. Students really listened with interest as they heard about all that God did to secure the release of the Israelites from Egypt.
Unfortunately, our second week of Kids Club was cancelled due to the San Antonio snow day but we were able to return and continue two more lessons the following week on the exciting life of Moses.
December 10th was our annual Gifts of Love Christmas Celebration at Colonial Hills Kids Club. As we celebrated the gift of Christ’s birth to the world, our students were invited to choose a gift for their families. The day is full of special snacks, pizza, Christmas crafts, and gifts for the students as well. Thank you to all who helped, gave, and prayed for this wonderful time of celebration and worshipping our Savior, Jesus Christ!
Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words! 2 Corinthians 9:15
November and December are always favorite months in ministry.
Colossians 2:6-7: "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving."
We have much to be thankful for at One Way International. God has met our every need for the past twenty-three years. He has provided office space, amazing people to work with and serve, financial and prayer partners committed to the work He has called us to, and constant presence in all He has directed us to do. We are indeed thankful.
Seven weeks of school are complete. Teacher Appreciation breakfast and gifts have been provided. Kids Club has begun. We are thrilled to have 68 students registered thus far this year. Our school year is well underway.
School supplies were collected, packed, and delivered to 74 students.
Eight students had the wonderful opportunity to attend His Hill Ranch Camp June 9-14, 2024! They were so excited to go and very happy while coming home. All eight; five boys and three girls sang camp songs much of the way home. When asked about their favorite activities, they answered: canoeing, archery, horseback riding, and crafts! Their favorite food was “breakfast for dinner!” One girl was happy to have made two new friends. She was hesitant to go to camp because she had never been away from home before but LOVED the experience!