Colossians 2:6-7: "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving."
We have much to be thankful for at One Way International.  God has met our every need for the past twenty-three years.  He has provided office space, amazing people to work with and serve, financial and prayer partners committed to the work He has called us to, and constant presence in all He has directed us to do.  We are indeed thankful.
Please pray with thankful hearts asking God for the provision of finances to provide food for families in the Kerrybrook Apartments as we go door-to-door in November delivering food for physical needs and prayer, Bibles, and evangelism for spiritual needs.
Please thank God for the provision of gifts for Gifts of Love baskets for our students who faithfully attend Kids Club at Colonial Hills Elementary School.
Please join the OWI Board of Directors and staff in offering praise to God for His unfailing provision and direction as we seek to work alongside Him in every event, outreach, ongoing ministry, and activity that we do.
We are thankful that our great God continues to use us.  We are thankful for you and your willingness to be part of our team of prayer warriors and supporters.
We thank God for His daily presence and showers of blessings in our lives and yours.
May your November abound with thanksgiving!

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