Use Amazon Smile for All Your Holiday Shopping

As the season of giving draws near, please consider using Amazon Smile for all of your gift giving needs. With every purchase you make through Amazon, AMAZON SMILE is an excellent way to give to One Way International. Amazon Smile has the same items found on Amazon, however, contributes a percentage of your purchase to the non-profit of your choice. Go to and look for One Way International San Antonio (there are other OWI's--be sure to choose us under the charity of your choice). It's a simple way to be a blessing to this ministry when you are already making purchases from Amazon. We have been making personal purchases for months and it works! If you have questions, please contact Joyce Velasquez at 210-342-0440 or Thank you in advance for giving this a try! We have already received over $65. You can help that amount grow especially if you make one or many purchases on Amazon (just be sure to go to Amazon Smile) every time you make a purchase all through the year and you will help One Way International continue the legacy! 

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